Beyond Texts & Emails: Rediscovering the Importance of Sending Greeting Cards

In today’s digital age, communication has become faster and more convenient. Text messages, emails, and social media have revolutionized our connection, enabling instant communication across vast distances. However, in embracing these modern forms of interaction, we may have overlooked the power and significance of a much simpler and more tangible method of communication – the…

National Bird Day – A Susan Winget Feature

January 5th is National Bird Day, when nature lovers, bird lovers, and bird watchers across the country recognize our fine feathered friends. Here at Current we love the beauty and joy that birds bring to our lives with their beautiful colors, sweet bird songs, and adorable antics. We know you love them, too, and that’s…

Seven Ways to Show Gratitude

This is the time of year when we reflect on all that we are thankful for, and celebrate the truly good things in life like family, friends, loved ones, health, a good job, a nice house, and many other blessings. Thanksgiving Day isn’t the only time we can express our thanks for all those wonderful…

Holiday Stationery Perfect for Your Christmas Newsletter

If you are going to send out a holiday newsletter this year, you should consider using holiday stationery from Current Catalog.  Our huge line of Christmas stationery is the perfect, festive vessel to carry your holiday cheer to loved ones and friends near and far. Your holiday newsletter will look lovely on this paper, which is…