Celebrate Your BFF All Year Long

Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash

Although National Friendship Day is officially on August 4th this year, we thought it would be the perfect time to share some ways you can celebrate your BFF throughout the year. Why keep it to just one day, after all? Friendship makes life sweeter, gets us through the hard times a little easier, and adds blessings to our lives in many ways, so why not celebrate those whom we hold dear all year long?

January – Make a hot cocoa date. Invite your BFF to join you in a warm, delicious cup of hot chocolate to celebrate your friendship. As you wrap your hands around a steaming mug of chocolatey goodness, tell your friend something about him or her that warms your heart.

February – Who says Valentine’s Day is just for sweethearts? Why not send your BFF a special Valentine’s Day card to celebrate all the ways your friendship makes you happy, and brighten your friend’s day with a little unexpected love.

March – During this month that mostly goes unnoticed, make sure your best friend doesn’t. Take a moment to write a note, send a text, or write an email telling your friend how much they mean to you and how precious their friendship is to your life. Be specific, especially if there’s one incident that stands out in your mind, and remind your BFF of the details in your note.

April – This might be the month known for rain, but we think it’s the perfect time to shower your friend with words of affirmation. Think of all the times your friend has been there with an encouraging word, a comforting hug, or a kick in the pants when you needed it, and say thank you.

May – Flowers are blooming, and spring is in the air! Send your BFF a friendship bouquet to the office to show you’re thankful for how much beauty they bring to the world in general and your life in particular. Bonus – everyone else at the office will be jealous!

June – Throw a surprise back yard barbeque party with your BFF as the guest of honor. Name foods after your friend (think “Mary’s Marvelous Mashed Potatoes” or “Bill’s Bodacious Burgers”) to add some fun to the menu.

July – Organize a BFF’s day at the beach just for the two of you. Get a babysitter, let the hubs take care of the house, and skip town for a day of fun and sun in the sand. If you can, make it a whole weekend away!

August – It’s hot outside, so why not take your BFF to a matinee showing of a good movie to beat the heat? There’s almost always a chick flick the two of you can enjoy that would bore the kids and put the men to sleep, so leave them at home and enjoy an afternoon out with your pal.

September – The kids are back in school – yay! Take advantage of the freedom a school day affords and get together with your BFF for a long lunch, your treat. Catch up, share a glass of wine and some laughs, and celebrate the good times.

October – Are you crafty? Plan a day with your BFF to make something you both enjoy. Not so crafty but appreciate those who are? A local craft fair is the perfect way to enjoy handmade gifts without making them yourself, and it’s never too soon to stock up on some unique gifts for the holidays. Take note of anything your BFF really likes but doesn’t purchase and sneak back the next day to grab it for a surprise gift.

November – Thanksgiving is coming up, and there’s no better time to make a list of things your BFF makes you thankful for and send it in a pretty card. Better yet, have your list made into a wall hanging by writing it out on parchment paper with a calligraphy pen and framing it. Your friend will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and you just might see your list occupying a place of honor on her wall the next time you visit.

December – Is your BFF the kind of person who has everything? Can’t think of something unique and special to give her for Christmas this year? Why not choose a charity or cause that is close to her heart, and make a donation in her name? Some of the best gifts can’t be wrapped and placed beneath the Christmas tree.

These are just a few suggestions we came up with, but we know that you know your BFF better than anyone, and we’re sure you can come up with your own ways to celebrate your special friendship that will have great meaning and significance to both of you. Now go forth and celebrate friendship, every month of the year! Affordable gifts for everyone!