What to do with Thanksgiving Leftovers

It’s the day after Thanksgiving and thank goodness, there are enough leftover goodies in your kitchen that you don’t have to cook! Well, maybe just a little, and only if you really want to. If you are curious what to do with Thanksgiving leftovers that will surprise and delight your family and friends, here are some ideas you might want to try out this year.

Leftover Turkey Quiche

Quick and easy is the order of the day when it comes to cooking for your family and other guests the day after Thanksgiving. This dish takes care of turkey day leftovers in a snap. Follow the recipe exactly, or add your own pizzazz with extra ingredients you have on hand from the day before, and your own favorite herbs and spices. Put it together the night before and pop it in the oven the next morning for a tasty treat to get the day started off right.quiche

Turkey Burgers with Poblano Pesto Aioli

These tasty burgers are easy to make, and taste oh-so yummy hot off the grill. You can prepare the aioli beforehand and store in the refrigerator for use when you’re ready. You may want to prepare your patties ahead of time too, and store them in the refrigerator on a baking sheet covered in waxed paper. Cover your burgers with another sheet of waxed paper to protect them until you’re ready to throw them on the grill.

Just remember, when you’re handling hot peppers such as jalapenos, the natural oils can burn your skin and eyes if you’re not careful, so avoid direct contact with the jalapeno peppers whenever possible. We suggest wearing plastic or rubber gloves. If you can’t avoid direct contact with your skin, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before touching anything else.Turkey Burgers with Poblano Pesto Aioli

Wild Rice and Turkey Soup

This heartwarming soup recipe is sure to be a hit with any “leftover” guests still hanging around the day after Thanksgiving. Warm and inviting with both rich and subtle flavors, this next-day dish will keep everyone toasty, no matter what the weather is outside. Serve as a stand-alone lunch or pair with a turkey burger or sandwich for a hearty mid-day meal that easily answers the question of what to do with Thanksgiving leftovers.Wild Rice Turkey Soup

Applejack Turkey Sandwich

The delicious combination of toasted sourdough bread, sweet red and green peppers, onion, olive oil, turkey breast, bacon, and two kinds of cheese are sure to make this sandwich a family favorite. This taste-tempting treat fits the bill perfectly for deliciously satisfying day-after holiday fare. Your family and friends will ask for this winning combination year after year.Applejack Turkey Sandwich

Turkey Waldorf Salad

Waldorf salad, named after the famous Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, is an American classic enjoyed by people around the country throughout the year. At Thanksgiving, it offers the perfect solution for what to do with Thanksgiving leftovers including turkey and any fruits and nuts that didn’t get gobbled up the day before.Turkey Waldorf Salad