Promoting Your Business With Handwritten Notes

Note Cards by Current Catalog

Many business sectors now identify themselves specifically as “relationship” businesses. One of the most meaningful ways to make a solid business impression is a surprisingly small one — a handwritten note.  Not only is it an effective way to grab the attention of a company’s main influencer, it’s arguably the most cost-effective yet underutilized business networking tool.

Think about your daily email inbox (delete, delete, delete). Now visualize a handwritten note that arrives on your desk, personally addressed to you. Which wins your immediate attention? The note. If your intention is to build bridges or perpetuate lasting contacts, the handwritten note is exactly the vehicle to use. Why? Because it gets notice and, therefore, gets read.

To master the art of the handwritten business note, here are a few tips.

Classic, polished stationery designs are essential when penning a professional handwritten note.  Note Cards are perfect choices for sending a thank-you, follow-up, or introductory note.

Legible Writing
Although cursive writing looks beautiful on stationery, it also needs to be readable. Write slowly so that every word is legible; if (like many of us) your cursive is lacking, simply stick with printed handwriting.

Keep It Simple
Hey, people are busy. Today’s movers and shakers are really busy. Keep your message brief and to the point using a casual, connective tone. It’s perfectly possible to make a lasting impression with a thoughtful yet succinct sentiment.  Also, avoid personal references unless they add value or could be used a jumping off point for future contact. For example: “It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife, Candice, at the Club for our Sponsorship Gala. I’d love to host you both for a casual round of golf next month.

A Perfect Start And A Strong Finish
The standard salutation to begin business correspondence is “Dear ____.”
Even in today’s casual, quick-connect world, this timeless standard should be observed. And make sure to finish strongly by signing off with “Regards” or “Kind regards,” depending on your familiarity with the recipient.

Make A Lasting Impression
Don’t forget to tuck a business card inside your handwritten note. While the recipient may not save your meaningful missive forever, a compact business card makes it easy for quick future reference.