10 Ways to Live Eco-Friendly

Earth Day reminds us of how blessed we are to live on such a wonderful, beautiful planet, and inspires us all to strive for an eco-friendly lifestyle. Here are some ideas for ways we can all live a little eco-friendlier all the time, not just on Earth Day.


Want to see a noticeable savings in your energy bills? Unplug the appliances you’re not using, and you might be surprised at the cost savings on your next monthly bill. When attempting to reduce your carbon footprint, energy conservation is a perfect place to start, and unplugging instead of putting your appliances on standby is an easy way to begin. Want to go take it a step further than simply turning them off? Make sure that the appliances and home technology you have is as energy efficient as possible and use less energy during the time that the product is on.

Recycle more

You may already be recycling, but could you be recycling more? Almost anything can be recycled, from batteries, to paper, plastic, even vehicles. Before you throw something away, take a minute to check online and find out if it can be recycled instead.

Make Compost

If you have let your food go that little bit too far past its ‘best by’ then you need to be sure to compost it rather than putting it in the bin. Not only will this help create a natural fertilizer and keep your garden green, it’ll also reduce the amount of waste going to landfill – and as it won’t break down anaerobically, there will not be a build-up of methane gas.

Grow your own food

If you’re making compost in an effort to be eco-friendlier, why not use it to make a healthy garden grow? Growing your own vegetables can cut way down on your grocery bill, and when you’re the one controlling the growth environment, you can dig in to those healthy veggies with peace of mind, knowing they haven’t been contaminated by pesticides or other chemicals. Even if you don’t have a large plot of land to garden, window boxes, clay pots, or planter boxes make great containers for garden fresh vegetables and herbs. Scrub your veggies clean with a colorful set of durable, food-grade silicone vegetable scrubbers, and keep your lettuce fresher longer with a reusable lettuce bag.

Lettuce Bag by Current Catalog

Reduce the use of plastic

Giving up plastic isn’t as difficult as you might think. Grocery stores and discount stores galore now offer fabric or canvas bags for purchase at the checkout counter. Next time you go shopping, grab a couple of reusable bags and keep them in your car. The next time you shop, you can use your eco-friendly bags instead of opting for plastic.

Get a water filtration system for the house

Instead of spending money on bottled water, invest in a home filtration system for your drinking water. Even if you choose a filter-topped water pitcher, you’ll save money on bottles of water that end up in landfills and oceans and pose a health threat to the earth’s wildlife. Carrying your own water bottle full of filtered water from home is another way to cut down on costs and waste. Keep your water bottle clean with a handy water bottle straw cleaning brush.

Use eco-friendly cleaning products

Most commercial cleaning products are loaded with harmful chemicals that are not only bad for you, but bad for the environment as well. Green cleaning products use far less harmful, more natural, organic, eco-friendly methods of cleaning, and that’s good for everyone, as well as good for the planet. Many items you already have around the house, such as baking soda and white vinegar, can be used to tackle most cleaning jobs with ease. Cut down on the arduous task of cleaning the oven with a beautiful, functional, non-stick copper oven liner that wipes clean easily.

Use LED light bulbs

If you’re looking for a way to light your home that is energy efficient, you can’t overlook LED light bulbs. Not only do LED light bulbs last longer than traditional light bulbs, they’re far more efficient. LED light bulbs may cost more initially, but they will save you money in the long run due to their extreme energy efficiency, and you’ll need to replace them a lot less often.

Insulate well

Poorly insulated homes are much harder to keep warm during cold winter days and nights, and to keep cool when the weather heats up. By adding extra insulation to your home you’ll not only increase your comfort level, but you’ll lower your energy costs as well. It’s a win-win situation!

Upcycle instead of tossing it out

It may seep easier to throw something away when it breaks rather than repairing or reusing it, but it is more environmentally friendly to do so, and it keeps unnecessary junk out of landfills. Before you toss that broken item out, check for videos on the internet to get ideas for ways to repair or upcycle the item and give it a new purpose in life. Entire television series have been produced that are devoted to the art of upcycling, and you may be able to find a class on refinishing furniture or other eco-friendly ways of repurposing various items at your local community center. Check it out – you could learn a new skill, save money, and meet new people all at the same time.

There you have it, folks – 10 ways to be eco-friendly all the time, not just once a year on Earth Day! Here’s to shrinking our carbon footprints, living more consciously, and making the planet a better, healthier place to live for everyone.