10 Phrases Every Parent Needs to Know to Stay “Hip”

If you want to appear hip to your kids, your first rule is to never say the word “hip.” The second is to take a crash course on the sick slang of today, (as outlined by Mamiverse and Huffington Post.) Ready?

Sick: When we referred to “sick” slang, we didn’t mean it was ill, twisted or gross. Sick is the new way to say “cool,” “groovy” or the more recent “wicked.” In other words, it’s something that’s neat-o keen.

Rachet: This one is a close match with a former meaning of “sick.” It’s something that grossly obnoxious.

Noob: Nope, not a boob. Not a boob with a nub on it. A noob is someone who has no clue about pop culture, tech terminology or whatever happens to be en vogue that moment. The Huffington Post says it replaces “newbie,” which is a newcomer on any scene.

Hater: You’re sure to have heard this one, as it’s been kicking around for a while. A hater refers to someone who, well, hates. It can specifically refer to someone who is angry or jealous of another person’s success – or a person who is simply out to get you.

Fail: Another self-explanatory term, this one is simply the modern version of failure. It refers to any type of faux pas, from tripping down the stairs to accidentally sending a sexy text to your boyfriend’s mother. Actually, the latter would qualify as an epic fail.

Epic Fail: You didn’t just fail at something. You failed epicly.

Catfish: The noun version refers to someone who is pretending to be someone else on social media, while the verb refers to the act of pretending. Thus you can be a catfish if you head over to Twitter and pretend to be, say, Barry Manilow. You can be catfished if someone does the same to you.

Flop: A flop refers to a scheduled or planned activity that doesn’t happen. A flopper is a person who opts out of plans at the last minute.

Photobomb: You know all those family photos that were ruined by someone making a stupid face or sticking rabbit ears behind Aunt Sally? All those ruined pictures are now known as photobombs.

POS: While this term is typically written instead of spoken, it’s still valuable to track. In the good ole days, this used to mean “piece of sh-t.” The new meaning is “parents over shoulder,” referring to a nosy mom or dad trying to sneak a peek at what their kid is typing on her smartphone or computer screen.

So now you pepper your next teen-bound greeting card, note or phone call with the modern words that make teens tick, making you the sickest mom, aunt or grandma on the block!